martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

With trains above 2

With trains above 3

With trains above

A london alley

A london alley

A london alley

A london alley

A london alley

A london alley

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011


Nottingham está salpicada de versos de William Blake y Luis Cernuda, los bancos de los parques, los muros, los edificios abandonados...

Nottingham is dotted with the verse of William Blake and Luis Cernuda, park benches, walls, abandoned buildings ...

Sólo vive quien mira

Luis Cernuda

Y al velarse a mis ojos

con nubes sobre nubes de otoño desbordado

Luis Cernuda

No bird soars too high. if he
soars with his own wings.
William Blake

A fool sees not the same tree that  
  a wise man sees.
William Blake

Quiero vivir cuando el amor muere

Luis Cernuda

One thought. fills immensity.
William Blake

Joy and Woe are woven fine,

A Clothing for the Soul divine;

William Blake

A truth that's told with bad intent.

  Beats all the Lies you can invent.

William Blake

When thou seest an Eagle, thou    
   seest a portion of Genius. lift up thy head
William Blake

No decía palabras,

 acercaba tan sólo un cuerpo interrogante

Luis Cernuda

Qué ruido tan triste el que hacen dos    
  cuerpos cuando se aman…

Luis Cernuda

Prisons are built with stones of   
  Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion.
William Blake

Donde habite el olvido,
En los vastos jardines sin aurora
Luis Cernuda

Donde el deseo no exista.
Luis Cernuda

Quiero vivir cuando el amor muere

Luis Cernuda

Arañando la sombra
Con inútil ternura.
Luis Cernuda

Joy and Woe are woven fine,
A Clothing for the Soul divine;
William Blake


Poetry by Chance is about finding and then searching, the circle goes on for ever, but then that is
the only sure truth there is about knowledge, about life, about beauty, each discovery leads to a new

But you do not search alone, the muses are with you, even if they have long since been chased from
Parnassus and are wander amongst us sheltering wherever there is creativity and imagination and
words, words, words.

The muse of poetry walks the city streets ahead of you, awaits you on the corner and glances your
way from time to time, as she goes she scatters fragments of her art to surprise and enchant you, and
above all to teach you that no knowledge is needed to open to book, no rules govern which page to
choose first, let chance and freedom be your guides and see for yourself what you find – there starts
the quest.